DARBAR Trailer REACTION!! | Thalaivar Rajinikanth | Blog Universes

DARBAR Trailer REACTION!! | Thalaivar Rajinikanth

what are we doing man Tamil Tamil are doing Tamil my courage to ever direct to the unit's Corbin Rick Paulson it's great quit on what you see comes in contact it's constant take that juice and content put it together what do you get us and think we're exposed in fiction poetry to come this dropped last night our time I think around 4:00 a.m. 

it's a new brand new smelling good trailer but it's with I remember yeah I got messages on this from Raja stupid baby I probably idea seems hard for me to say ra jinikanth rajinikanth yeah boy you guys can come again because you learn Hindi for header you're not well there's not Hindi though no I know but it's religion the same family of languages you're in the same family of languages what does it even mean I don't know but yes so this is his new film it's called Darbar yes Darbar dar dar barb Darbar Dharma that doesn't sound correct though to me Darbar dar dar dar bar Eureka [Music] [Music] Gustav [Music] I'm not gonna smell for days gone by these are the jobs be able to protect okay thank you sir [Music] game on we did because I bring up what is in the political weight limit Acosta [Music] in a pocket version Elena [Music] I like that part at the end I hope that's a whole musical number right there uh okay so the juror was okay it was like you know clearly it wasn't a huge thing it wasn't a bad trailer but it just wasn't like a oh cool it would have felt like of it it's it's clearly it's dependent upon his star power and I'm sick I am guessing because obviously we're still learning about him it it's it's super super hyper stylized not to be based in reality yeah I mean nobody moves their sunglasses from their nose to their eyes and you here by do it but in the hyper style is a ssin is it are his it feels like it's the kind of movie that he can just basically walk around and do anything and people are gonna be enraptured because he's the superstar that they love to watch it's possible obviously this film's not out yet so I don't know either right now if that's what it is I know right because from as far as anything else that was telling me I wasn't there wasn't anything in it that was interesting to me yeah.

I thought I liked the last part of it was if the whole film is like that time almost cheesy why is he weird you know who I am I'm a bad I'm razmik or whatever his name is and just loved me yeah he did that know that the trailer that we saw up just a couple like a week or two ago where he's like this is a Tamil Trail correct this is what happens in the temperatures and right and then the hero right so he sounds like he has a good sense of humor so it did remind me a lot of I figure what that whatever that Salman Khan is where you place the police officer I don't remember Dabangg I think he plays like Italy seemed um a little more oh yeah yeah now I do and I think it is to bank it might move back and forth I live for key yeah style yes nothing that's what this film is but that's what it reminded me of at least but I haven't seen that film obviously I haven't seen this film so I don't know police however comes to solve a case of a group of merchants cool very vague say that name AR Murugadoss he looks like yeah oh the same director of Jeannie which is the memento well yeah Aamir Khan so that's cool I've heard good things about that bill yep so clearly he's a he's a director writer and producer of this film and it's starting obviously Rajinikanth if i'm saying that correct I'm not pro lephant in know I almost look like Nawaz no you know what this really did is I was watching it you know I kept.

 I admittedly can come to trailers or movies or anything in a particular frame of reference based on what I was just watching so for example if I was watching something that was ultra realistic and believable and then I'm immediately introduced to something that falls into the category of being hyper stylized I have to recognize that to my own bias imposing itself and I don't want to do this to his stuff you know I could have been watching the Three Stooges and then come and see this and have a completely different take on it because of my frame of reference at the moment yeah and that's I really feel like I think I don't know enough about him to really understand but also it's this kind of motion picture what's his not a movie of this trailer I preferred the PATA the one that we did yeah we just saw with it and then even the other one I forget what it was called but we've reacted to two of his just recently trailers and yeah I think I preferred those trailers over what this looks like but we'd like to give you an example if dwayne johnson does some quirky funny movie that's just an action film and he's beating people up and then at one point it looks at him and he just raises up the eyebrow that speaks volumes to anybody who knows wayne johnson because that's the rock signature thing to do i'm i have feeling a ton of that with his film said like people people literally just want to go to watch him do the proverbial thing that he does does that make sense yeah and I'd like to know what those things are because I don't want to discount them you know so I don't know if that was like him right right because maybe like because I think somebody said like especially in the beginning of his career before he was a start he was actually really a thespian almost type actor yeah and then obviously he's it got bigger he had to do bigger type films and so he did kind of almost fell out of that in terms of like the more independent stuff he did when he was not as big of a star yeah but I don't know like I said we don't know anything about this man we are not a thing we haven't seen any of its stuff no and I got this is the first time we're getting into reacting to things as as we here are coming into awards season so the global nominations are out the SAG nominations are out we and then you're even to Oscar nom so we're starting to watch and pay attention to stuff that's at a really high level of artistic merit and and when other things come into the picture that would fall outside of that frame of reference like some are funny things like I love nacho libre. 

I love Napoleon Dynamite but if I saw the trailer to that right now in this frame of reference I don't know that I'd enjoy it as much and that's what I don't want to do to him I don't I don't want to disqualify the enjoyment of what he provides if it's not like film festival yeah and which clearly from this trailer is not I don't think his stuff at least this one none popcorn fun yeah just at least go have a good time you know this one said it looks like that yeah style of expression thing I really enjoyed the end part I liked that a lot yeah so if it's not like quirky like that and write tongue-in-cheek and like you know who I we we clearly can go to the movies and just enjoy it for the entertainment value because if you've seen our review about war. 

I enjoyed a lot of that though yep really did yeah recommend it never watching on but got a good time yeah so you could appreciate certain things for being what they are yeah that looks like it was lose but if it's not you can let us know let us know what we missed I dunno his hair people give him freaking perfect wigs his wig oh my stars yeah he was out of different there's no this here I don't know this is no I mean you see have you seen him no it looks like Reese's no no no yeah this is this word I'm not confusing him this is who people kind of sent me referred to as the cigarette guy yeah don't say that I know no he's he's very bald oh really yep yeah I think if you pulled up a picture of them like currently right now you would notice two things is that he looks much much older than he appears in his films and partly that's because of the full heads of hair that he's given really yeah bring hope I'm not confusing oh yeah I gotta kill you if you are they will because you know can't make mistakes 

So Thanks again for checking out this Blog and I will see you in the next one.
DARBAR Trailer REACTION!! | Thalaivar Rajinikanth | Blog Universes DARBAR Trailer REACTION!! | Thalaivar Rajinikanth | Blog Universes Reviewed by Blog Universe on December 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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